How time flies! Now, Christmas is around the corner, which means 2019 is coming to the end.
2019 has been a fruitful year for NAN YUN. We had attended Chinaplas, K Fair, and Myanmar Int'l Plastics during this year. By visiting through Asia to Europe, we were all in to understand the actual needs of buyers worldwide. Besides, we also acquired lots of latest tech news, which is valuable for us in the future.
NAN YUN, as the leading manufacturer of screws and barrels, we are well-known for our customized service in the industry.
In 2020, we will continue to provide breakthrough innovations. We definitely can help you maintain a stable quality of products and create more profits!
The future plan for 2020 is settled. NAN YUN invites you to meet us at:
Date : 2020/04/21 – 2020/04/24
Sale Representative:Tim Chen
Date : 2020/09/09 – 2020/09/13
Sale Representative:Tim Chen
IPF Japan
Date : 2020/10/06 – 2020/10/10
Sale Representative:Tim Chen